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Lansche, Brandon

Brandon W. Lansche

Brandon Lansche defends businesses in high-risk product liability suits.

Brandon defends auto manufacturers, consumer product companies, medical device companies, insurers, and other businesses in product liability cases in state and federal courts across the United States. He is an experienced litigator and trial attorney. Brandon is known for winning legal arguments in motion practice, mediation, trial, and appeal. Brandon’s years of uninterrupted practice helps guide the successful strategies he implements at all levels of the life of a case.

University of California, Los Angeles School of Law (J.D., 2011); Vice President, Mock Trial
Colgate University (B.A., 2008)
State Admissions
California, 2012
Federal Admissions
United States District Court, Central District of California
  • Obtained defense verdict in high-value product liability jury trial involving a traumatic brain injury on behalf of the auto manufacturer
  • Briefed and argued successful motion for summary judgment on behalf of home appliance manufacturer
  • Briefed and argued winning demurrer resulting in complete dismissal of lawsuit on behalf of auto manufacturer defendant
  • Briefed and argued multiple winning motions in limine to completely exclude Plaintiff experts in lawsuit against auto manufacturer
  • Briefed winning appeal to Ninth Circuit in federal criminal tax case, overturning client’s conviction
  • Briefed and argued winning motion to dismiss all charges in a murder case