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Firm News

Law360 Profiles New IP Partner Carlos Garritano

November 2015

Firm News

Law360 Profiles New IP Partner Carlos Garritano

November 2015

On November 2, Law360 interviewed our new Intellectual Property Group partner, Carlos Garritano. Carlos remarked on Tucker Ellis’s strong reputation in the legal community for not only providing superior legal services, but for the way the firm treats clients.

“Tucker Ellis is built on being clientcentric, which forms good working relationships in comparison to other firms that have billable hours as a driving force for attorneys,” Carlos said. “These, among other principles, are a solid foundation for a law firm to have growth and stability in both clients and employees.”

Carlos also commented on the recent growth of the thriving IP practice and his decision to join Tucker Ellis.

“The increase in our IP group has been client-driven and allows us to always keep looking for and hiring talented and friendly employees,” he said. “With these and other facts about Tucker Ellis in mind, it was an easy decision to be part of a team that has professional goals aligned with my own.”

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