Tucker Ellis welcomes partner Peter Rome to Business Department
Tucker Ellis LLP is pleased to announce that Peter Rome has joined the firm’s Business Department as a member of its Corporate/M&A/Securities practice group.
Failure is an option
In their article for Ethical Boardroom, Jayne Juvan and Chris Hewitt examine the board governance paradigm in the United States and argue that it works well to encourage calculated risk taking.
Stifling debate at board meetings can destroy value at your portfolio company
In their article for Crain's Cleveland Business, Christopher Hewitt and Jayne Juvan discuss the importance of encouraging individuality and debate in the board room.
SEC adopts final rules on hedging disclosure—finally!
On December 18, 2018, the SEC at long last adopted final rules adding new Item 407(i) to Regulation S-K requiring disclosure about a company's practices and policies regarding hedging in the company's securities by directors and employees.
How should market participants prepare for the proposed LIBOR phase-out?
The upcoming phase out of the London Interbank Offered Rate, or LIBOR, promises to cause administrative and financial burdens to market participants who do not implement a transition plan. In this post, we examine the rationale behind LIBOR's phase-out, discuss its possible replacements, and suggest strategies for both banks and borrowers to mitigate any adverse effects.
Is the current antitrust merger review process fair?
By Tod Northman
Federal antitrust review of mergers and acquisitions in the United States is a strange system. Whether the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice leads the review determines what rules apply, and ultimately can determine whether the transaction is approved without regard to the merits of…
Chambers USA ranks Tucker Ellis’s General Corporate/M&A/Securities practice and attorneys
Tucker Ellis is proud to announce that Chambers USA has ranked its General Corporate/M&A/Securities practice group among Ohio’s leading Corporate/M&A practices for 2018. In addition, Chambers recognized partners Christopher Hewitt and Robert Loesch as notable practitioners in the group.
Chambers notes that we are known for being a compact team that represents clients…
The SEC provides guidance on data breach disclosure and cybersecurity compliance
In the wake of recent notable data breaches, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission issued an interpretive release designed to improve the timeliness and accuracy of public companies’ disclosures of cybersecurity risks and incidents and prevent insider trading. The SEC’s guidance release and this post raise several issues and concerns that all companies, regardless of size and ownership, need to take seriously to improve their cybersecurity planning and legal compliance.
Jayne Juvan coauthors “A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape” for Bloomberg Law
In A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape published by Bloomberg Law, Jayne Juvan and coauthors Ellen Grady and Bruce Dravis provide a comprehensive discussion of the regulatory regime applicable to compensation programs for corporate officers and directors. Executive compensation provides a valuable means to lure and retain talent…
The evolution of a hostile takeover
By Christopher Hewitt
In a series of interviews with Energy Intelligence Group’s Oil Daily, Chris Hewitt analyzes the corporate governance implications of the actions taken by the board of directors of SandRidge Energy leading up to Midstates Petroleum Company’s unsolicited offer to buy SandRidge. The “bear hug” letter…