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Speaking Engagements

Sandy Wunderlich Moderates Trademark Infringement Session at IADC 2018 Annual Meeting

July 9, 2018

Speaking Engagements

Sandy Wunderlich Moderates Trademark Infringement Session at IADC 2018 Annual Meeting

July 9, 2018

On July 9, Sandy Wunderlich moderated “How to Win Trademark Infringement Lawsuits and Influence Jurors” at the IADC 2018 Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. The interactive session featured a mock jury that heard arguments based on two famous trademark disputes before announcing its verdict. The program educated attendees on what resonates with juries and how to persuade them on trademark infringement issues, as well as how to advise domestic and foreign clients embroiled in trademark disputes.

During the annual meeting, Sandy began her two-year term as the IP Litigation Committee Chair for the IADC.

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