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Speaking Engagements

Dina Roumiantseva Discusses Trademark Modernization Act at WIPR Trademarks North America 2022

September 23, 2022

Speaking Engagements

Dina Roumiantseva Discusses Trademark Modernization Act at WIPR Trademarks North America 2022

September 23, 2022

On September 22, Dina Roumiantseva spoke at WIPR Trademarks North America 2022 in Los Angeles. Dina presented “US Trademark Law Round-up: And How Brand Owners Can Take Advantage of the Trademark Modernization Act.” Dina discussed the TMA, including trends, challenges, and opportunities. She also discussed the presumption of irreparable harm, recent preliminary injunction hearings, and best practices for expungement and reexamination procedures.