Speaking Engagements
Courtenay Jalics and Jennifer Steinmetz Speak at ABA Products Liability Roundtable
May 20, 2015
Speaking Engagements
Courtenay Jalics and Jennifer Steinmetz Speak at ABA Products Liability Roundtable
May 20, 2015
On May 20, Courtenay Youngblood Jalics and Jennifer Steinmetz participated in a roundtable, “Inside the Reptile Brain: Why the Reptile Theory is Important to the Offense and Defense,” presented by the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Biotech Subcommittee of the ABA Products Liability Committee. The panel discussed what every pharma/device lawyer needs to know about the “Reptile Theory,” including how plaintiffs use it to achieve successful outcomes by tapping into the primitive part of jurors’ brains, and ways the defense can minimize its impact.