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Jewish IRG

Supporting Jewish culture and religion at Tucker Ellis

Our Jewish IRG serves as a dedicated platform for individuals who identify as Jewish, as well as those interested in and supportive of Jewish culture and religion.

This group aims to provide a safe and supportive space where shared cultural experiences can be openly discussed, acknowledged, and respected. The Jewish IRG also seeks to share unique Jewish culture, customs, traditions, and challenges facing Jews in both their professional and personal lives with the larger TE community to build bridges of understanding across the Firm and to enhance the sense of community within the Firm.

The Jewish IRG is led by Anna Gecht.

Jewish IRG Chair Anna Gecht and member Scott Wilkov with their families at the Six Million Steps, Six Million Lives – Never Again Walk held on May 5, 2024, in Beachwood, Ohio, in honor of Yom Hashoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Key Contacts