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Community Outreach

Encouraging a culture of kindness

At Tucker Ellis, we encourage a culture of community involvement, and, as both individuals and as a firm, we strive to be good citizens and neighbors in the communities in which we work and live. As a firm, we are engaged in ongoing efforts to support local, regional, and national organizations.

Tucker Ellis Day
Each year, to commemorate the anniversary of our firm founding on July 16, 2003, we celebrate “Tucker Ellis Day.” On this day, our offices are closed and our partners, counsel, associates, and staff choose how to spend the day helping those in need. Everyone in the firm is encouraged to use the time to do something extraordinarily meaningful for them. Groups are organized and supplies are gathered for firm-sponsored volunteer activities, and employees are encouraged to spend time with organizations and causes that are personally near and dear to them.

Activities are wide ranging and often include preparing care packages for our troops overseas; reading to sick children in an outpatient pediatric unit; visiting the elderly; cleaning up a local park; painting and planting; hosting a lunch at a low-income senior home; collecting and donating clothes to a battered women’s shelter; serving meals to the elderly and homeless; and donating blood to the American Red Cross.

Pro Bono
The same commitment that Tucker Ellis makes to clients extends to our communities. We have an active pro bono practice that includes both trial and transactional work, with a presence in our offices throughout the United States.

At Tucker Ellis, we believe that pro bono work should make a difference both for the individual and the organization. We encourage our attorneys to find the right opportunity for them. While many firms participate in pro bono causes, what sets Tucker Ellis apart is the range and types of causes our firm supports. In recent years, our attorneys have dedicated themselves to causes such as wrongfully imprisoned capital defendants in post-conviction proceedings, juvenile immigrants seeking asylum and special immigrant juvenile visas, civil rights, adoption, access to public benefits, employment, maritime, and landlord-tenant matters. Our firm culture encourages our attorneys to commit to projects that both make a difference and align with their own interests.

In 2021, Tucker Ellis was honored to be the recipient of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Chapter Pro Bono Champions award, which recognizes actions to promote justice and advocate for underserved member of the immigrant population, as well as an extraordinary commitment to providing pro bono assistance through various worthy initiatives. Read more on our website here and on the AILA website here.

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