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Speaking Engagements

Art Mertes Moderates PDA Panel on Board’s Role in Defining M&A Strategy

September 25, 2024

Speaking Engagements

Art Mertes Moderates PDA Panel on Board’s Role in Defining M&A Strategy

September 25, 2024

On September 25, Art Mertes moderated a Private Directors Association program, “The Board’s Role in Defining M&A Strategy and Securing Capital.” Art and the highly experienced panelists shared critical insights on topics including the Board’s role in setting M&A exit or acquisition strategy, financing strategy, and related direction of the company; current trends impacting private company M&A and financing strategy; the Board’s role in choosing the right M&A or financing partner; and how the shareholder base affects the Board’s view of M&A and financing strategy. As chair of PDA Chicago’s PE and Family Office Committee, Art served as a producer of the program together with Dan McHugh of PNC Bank. Both Tucker Ellis and PNC Bank were sponsors of the event.