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Speaking Engagements

Tod Northman Presents LawPracticeCLE Webinar on Reverse Veil Piercing with LLCs

July 9, 2024

Speaking Engagements

Tod Northman Presents LawPracticeCLE Webinar on Reverse Veil Piercing with LLCs

July 9, 2024

On July 9, Tod Northman presented a LawPracticeCLE webinar, “The Problem With a Good Idea: The Use and Misuse of Reverse Veil Piercing With LLCs.” After laying out the principles behind veil piercing, Tod discussed the cause and effect of state legislatures’ competition to offer the most debtor-friendly entity possible. Tod explored key topics, including asset protection, the lawyer’s role in counseling clients, creditor rights, entity hygiene, and complex organizational structuring.