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Helping Your Witness Stay Calm and Collected on the Stand

November 1, 2022 - Law360


Helping Your Witness Stay Calm and Collected on the Stand

November 1, 2022 - Law360

Witnesses are the backbone of every trial — the words they speak are the evidence upon which the jury must rely to decide the case, and the way the witness delivers those words determines whether they are to be believed. When witnesses lose control during their testimony, it negatively affects their credibility with the jury. No doubt a trial is a stressful situation, and even the best of witnesses can lose their way and become confused, forgetful or even combative on the stand. It can be a challenge to get the witness back on track and calm their demeanor while he or she is still on the witness stand. This article addresses strategies a lawyer can employ to help the witness maintain, and if necessary, regain control.

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